Looking up into the sky you can see that the Moon is halfway visible, its in its Waxing, (building) phase. It is half light and half dark. It feels like it is signaling to us that it is the perfect time now to come back into balance, syncing up with the yang of the light and the yin of the dark, balancing these two qualities of action and stillness in our lives.
With the moon building its a time too for us to build on our personal goals and dreams. With the Fall officially here and the briskness in the air that feels crisp and clean, it is a time to start to center and focus in on the things that truly matter to us and wipe away the extra that doesn’t really fit for us anymore.
Health is, I think, a top thing that truly matters. Nature is our wisest teacher and when it comes to our health that is no exception.
Using the healing properties of the elements such as Fire, Wind, Earth and Water is something I have been incorporating into my treatments lately. It has been incredible to witness the introduction of these elements into the sessions and the profound impact it is having.
When we are up in our heads so much of the day for perhaps work or just lost in thoughts its hard sometimes to come back down into what IS in the present moment and be here and grounded in the reality of the now.
I would suggest a key thing to do to create more balance and ease in your life is to observe these elements that make up our universe we call home. The Fire, The Wind, The Earth, The Water. These all have immense gifts within them waiting to be discovered by you.
If you are needing some extra balance in your life I invite you to come in for a session.
*Channelled Energy Healing/ Soul Coaching
* Private Yoga and Meditation