Focus and Freedom.

What do Focus and Freedom have in common? These are 2 very tangible benefits that having more control over your mind and thoughts can produce. Learn more in my final two videos on the beginning practices of Meditation here:

Meditation 101 Part 2: Focus

Meditation 101 Part 3: Freedom

If you missed the first video you can watch it here where I discussed the Nature of the Mind and the concept of Impermanence.

These are my first videos sharing in this way:) I hope you can adopt some of the exercises I share and begin to experience the benefits in your life.


Most of the year you may live apart from your closest relatives such as your mother, father, sister,brothers. During the holidays you have the chance – if you choose – to be in close quarters with these individuals. For some it is a joyous occasion, whether it is something you look forward to or dread, triggers are always pushed, and emotions you thought you had dealt with years ago more often then not resurface no matter how much we think we have healed or buried deep within us to hopefully never arise. Its like an unwelcome holiday guest! Surprise! Why does this always seem to happen? Most of the time we unconsciously revert back to how we were 20 + years ago. Old habits return and old patterns resurface. While these things come up we don’t have to react in the same way. We can observe these triggers and understand the truth of what they are = Old patterns that got planted most likely when we were small children.
On the other hand, some things you may start to observe don’t even bother you at all anymore. This is a pivotal point in your growth. You know you have effectively let these old rooted wounds heal. Congratulations!! You have effectively healed a wound and more light and love is there in its place. πŸ™‚

Acupuncture, Yoga, Mediation, Coaching are all means to get to that place: where you are presented with a trigger and you no longer have a charge around it. This is a step closer to that Freedom πŸ™‚

Would you like to experience more of that?! πŸ™‚ Schedule an appointment today!

Peace, Love, and Blessings,

1+ (301) 351-1302