The emotion associated with the season of Spring is anger. As mentioned in my last newsletter, Spring is the time for growth, and wherever growth is constrained, anger arises to help find a way around the obstacle lying in the path. One term for anger in Chinese, shengqi literally means “the energy that accompanies growth.”

Perhaps recognize next time you feel frustrated, figure out what that frustration is actually pointing to and what are the steps you need to take to resolve the situation in order to reach your desired outcome. If you experience anger in excess, however, this can confuse your ultimate vision for your goal leading you to take various unrelated actions going off course. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the inability to get angry or suppress it can lead to stagnation in growth. (The character for Constraint in Chinese actually depicts a tree growing inside of a box.)

So, if you can relate to any of this, after all, this is the season of growth (!), make sure to acknowledge any anger rising inside. Once the anger has served its purpose- allowing you to make a change or next step to move forward, release the anger so as not to carry it with you, projecting past anger which has already served its purpose, onto future circumstances. This will help you move along your path fully connected to your vision and goals.