Experience A Life Elevated Above your Struggles. 

Dissolve Dense Energetic Patterns in Your Mind, Body & Soul & Re-Claim Your Joy, Peace, Confidence, &Clarity.

Re-Calibrate Your Nervous System & Feel Absolutely Amazing In Your Body & Soul.

Re-Align with Your Sovereign Goddess Self &Embody 

Truly Effortless Sacred Wellness Within You. 

Within You.

What is Sacred Wellness?


It is a Sacred State of Wholeness in Being that uncovers the Brilliant Light You Are so that you can Shine in All Aspects of your Life.


It is the Art of continuous Surrender to Your Soul to Fully Align with your Path and your Greatest Life.


It is Empowered, Body, Mind, and Soul Aligned Health and Balance filling you with confidence, clarity, and calm, allowing you to effortlessly Elevate All areas of your Life.

What is Sacred Wellness Academy and Who is It Designed For?

This Course takes you through a powerful system called  The Sacred Alignment Re-set Method. 

This is a system that combines key factors I have discovered that over and over again create lasting shifts in my clients to empower, heal, and create calm and ease internally and externally when it had previously, in the words of my clients, “felt impossible”.     

It is a process of a complete re-set for your body, mind and heart. 

We are all born into this world with Pure Joy, Love, and a Profound Sense of Connection and Peace Within Us.  As we grow older– and for some — maybe it is as soon as we are Earth side, we can loose this connection (or feel as if we have).  This course is designed to Re-connect you to that place within you that always exists.

This journey of Re-connection allows seamless incredible positive shifts in your relationships- first with yourself and your own well being, then with others, jobs and careers, situations and circumstances that have been praying for an up level.

Whether you are dealing with:

  • anxiety
  • debilitating worry
  • depression
  • unfulfilled in your career 
  • struggling relationships or jobs
  • you are dealing with a physical issue or illness

This course takes you through exact steps and processes to help you shift the energetics of your Body and Mind, empowering you to operate at a level where these issues do not bother you, or simply do not exist any more.


This course and Method is specifically designed for Women* who identify as: 

-Healers & Health and Wellness Professionals

-On a Spiritual or Self-Growth Journey

-Looking for a Natural Path to Heal Anxiety, Stress & Overwhelm

-Stressed out Entrepreneurs & CEO’s

-Business & Wellness Coaches

*If you do not identify as female but feel called to this course please book a call and this may be just the perfect course for you too!  

This course is a blueprint for complete transformation IF you put in the effort.

 I cannot tell you the amount of times I have heard clients tell me how much has shifted in their lives by taking on even just 1 of these processes I am laying out for you in this course.

 This truly can be your holistic healthcare plan for your body, mind, and soul for 2023.

*For those of you who are healers or work supporting others please see below for the SACRED WELLNESS HEALER CERTIFICATION opportunity that goes hand in hand with this program so that you can learn how to incorporate these processes into your own work with clients.

This is a 16 week program that uniquely combines proven healing techniques and methodologies to:




Release Anxiety, Fear, Worry & Step Back into Your Divine Soul Aligned Power.


Master the movement of Energy in Your Body to create Shifts in Your Emotional and Physical State of Being. 


Dissolve Unconscious Behavioral Habit Patterns keeping you stuck to Embody Your Most Empowered Self. 


Recalibrate your Nervous System through Re-connecting to Nature (which you are inherently a part of).


There is no fluff or overwhelm of information in this course– this is the distilled guidance and processes broken down in an easy to understand format that I have personally used and use in my private practice over the last 17 years.


Course Topics:


 Month 1: Connect To The Core of Who You Are, Ignite Your Intuition, Detox & Dissolve Fear &Worry 


  • The Water/Fire Axis
  • The Model of  Operating from Your 3 Brain Centers   
  • Opening up The Major Energy Centers In The Body 


Month 2: Align With The Power Of Your Voice, Re-Calibrate Your Nervous System, & Elevate the Natural Nature of Your Emotions 


  • Your Heart/Voice Alignment
  • Using Your Voice as A Tool for Healing,
  • Emotions and Health in Relation to Cycles of Creation and Destruction


Month 3: Master the Art of Surrender, & Nourish Your Flow of Growth & Creativity In All Aspect of Your Life. 


  • The Wood/Earth Axis
  • The Art of Surrender and Forgiveness
  • Flow Vs. Force
  • The Energetic Balance of Creativity, Growth , Nourishment
  • The Art of Embodying Healthy Boundaries


Month 4: Master Effortless Perspective Shifting, Sync Up with Spirit, & Step Into Your Sovereignty


  • Metal & Air
  • Your Space & Place in Relation to All Things
  • The Art of Connecting To Essence
  • Strengthening Your Aura




Structure for the Course:


 This Structure will be repeated each month for the duration of the course (4 months). 


Week 1: LIVE  Lesson on Sacred Alignment

Lessons available 24 hours after Live Lesson in your course portal:

1. Recording of Live Lesson 

2. Yoga Practice

3. Meditation Practice

4. Journaling Exercises

Week 2: Nature & Systems Based Lesson

1. Recorded Lesson with the Exercise

2.  Plant and Elements Resource for the Theme of the Month’s Sacred Alignment Lesson


 Week 3: LIVE Group Session- Go over lesson for the month, group clearings, Goddess Blessings, & Teachings, Q & A


 Week 4: LIVE 2-3 hour Mentorship Coaching & Teaching Session (For MENTORSHIP Participants)



I am Laura Rose, Mind, Body, & Soul Elevation Alchemist, and I am so happy you are here.

I am an intuitive healer and teacher, chinese medicine practitioner, yoga and meditation guide, and light worker. I help to to co-create sacred healing space to release, dissolve, and transform
stuck patterns in the body, mind and/or emotional bodies to reconnect you back to your empowered, next level self resulting in greater health, ease, joy and peace in your body, mind, and heart, life, career, and relationships.

Have you been wanting to experience relief from pain, sufferings, recurring patterns keeping you stuck?


oI have always been sensitive to my surroundings, whether it be people or the environment itself. There is something almost magical about growing up this way and I believe it is one of my greatest gifts that helps me to help others and be a voice for the natural world. I have spent the last 17 years of my life immersed in the healing traditions of Taoist and Chinese Medicine & Yogic Philosophy.

I have been a yoga instructor, acupuncturist, and energy worker for way over a decade, and through this work I have developed a deep understanding of ourselves and our energy systems, internal patterns, and how to shift stuck spaces in the body, mind and heart.

I would be so happy to support you in your highest evolution and healing through this process. These healing experiences come from ancient teachings and are here for you to create shifts in your life you have been waiting to experience.

THIS Academy is an incredible group setting opportunity. When we come together in a group– our intentions multiply. 🙂

I am so excited and honored to get to share these teachings to create massive shifts in your life and all of those you touch, because when we shift things in our selves, the ripple effects continue to move out further, far beyond any of us could know.

This program is a crystal clear guide steeped in Ancient Proven Techniques and Philosophies to release what is keeping you from reaching your next level and experiencing your life the way you KNOW you are meant to.

This truly can be your holistic healthcare plan for your body, mind, and soul for 2023.

What Others Are Saying

“Working with Laura has truly helped me. During the first months of the Pandemic at home with my daughter, I started to experience emotions that became concerning to be – It was becoming more and more clear to me that I had been struggling with prolonged PTSD from my past experience in the Military and Iraq. I started to experience feelings of frustration and impatience towards my 7 year old daughter at the time, amongst feelings of being on guard. It was at this point I realized the need to address any past wounds and or trauma. I reached out to Laura and in her true wisdom and expertise, Through her services such as Acupuncture, virtual Healing Course, and Yoga practice, Laura helped me come into awareness of my own destructive patterns and she in her most nurturing and understanding manner helped me to disrupt the negative patterns.

In the beginning of our work together I felt heavy loaded with tons of past baggage. Laura was always nurturing, kind, comprehensive and willing to listen – her nature was always nurturing. Not one time did I feel judged by her. Instead I was able to let myself be navigated through a process of uncovering, and discovering those patterns that were without realizing directing my life in a not helpful way. This process of working with Laura has helped me break unhealthy patterns and consequently begin healing. I am very grateful, Laura has been an angel from God. Thank you Laura.” – I.P.

“Laura is an amazing holistic practitioner and acupuncturist! My daughter said after only one session with Laura that she felt she’d helped her more in that one session than she did after a whole semester of counseling with the traditional therapist.” – K.D.

“Working with Laura has been a saving grace in my life. I have been working steadily on myself in the healing and wellness field as an acupuncturist, knowing a lot about and paying attention to my healing process and yet still finding myself stuck in the same old patterns.

Where I saw improvements in myself were not in the places that truly mattered. I was falling in the same old patterns of difficulty. I don’t know where I would be know without having done these coaching sessions with Laura over this month and a half. My finances were dismal and I was still struggling with depression, confidence issues, and all my relationships we’re suffering from this because I was not in my power and my strength.

Laura taught me how to access my inner strength, confidence, and self love in such a beautiful, mindful, and revolutionary way which I had not had access to ever before working with other therapists and counselors. This was mind-blowing in a way. I took her practices she gave me seriously and every week we were able to pinpoint some major improvements. The training was very applicable and straight forward. From the practices I have gained a real-time awareness of my ability to self love and that, in and of itself, has garnered a whole new level of experiences coming through in my life and a great awakening for my soul. Things that used to plague me have left my energy field or become drastically less of an experience/feeling.

As I notice each change moving through I can see the path more clearly for my to manifest this next phase of my life with joy. All my relationships are going super well. I trust myself more. Laura helped me with beauty, grace, and ease through her coaching and body work for me to really feel this on quantum levels. I feel so blessed that I worked with her. I am excited for my life and what I will manifest next. I wouldn’t have been able to see this new horizon for myself without her! Never going to traditional therapy again. This is where the quantum leap takes place and what I feel I have been calling in for so long.” – L.M.

“What began as acupuncture, evolved into deeper healing sessions for unresolved challenges from my past. Laura’s gentle touch, intuitive understanding, open heart, and vast knowledge of many healing modalities has helped me in my life significantly. I feel freer in my body, mind and spirit. In turn, this has helped me improve my overall physical well-being, ability to meet life’s challenges with a healthier perspective, intentional presence and acceptance. I have benefited from Laura’s acupuncture services, personal coaching, monthly tele-classes and especially her energy work. Laura is a serendipitous gift to my life and soul. I feel more empowered to be my most authentic self as a woman, daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. I look forward to working with Laura every minute and am immensely grateful to have her as a part of my “tools” in my daily growth and support network.” – J.S.

“Laura has been a blessing in my life. I found her several years back while looking for a local acupuncturist; it was my first time, and I was blown away at how powerful an acupuncture session can be, versus my expectations.

Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder have plagued me, and through doctors, therapists, medications, and other holistic practices, my mind and heart always take me back to Laura. She is a wonderful teacher, who has a tremendous amount of knowledge, but knows how to share it in relatable ways.

I’ve since done personal virtual sessions, and most recently, Laura’s 9-week meditation class on creating your own Sadhana sanctuary. I believe that this course, and the information and tools, mantras, and practices that I learned from Laura, hold the power to save my life, from the perspective of achieving calm and balance that I can call upon when needed. Above all, I have become conscious at just how much the body itself has the power to heal.

I would recommend Laura 100 times over!” – L.S.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

Each of the first three weeks of the month you will receive (live (all live sessions will be recorded) or emailed) a new lesson. These will vary in length from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Implementing the lessons in your life wil be up to you and how much time you want to do it. These lessons and implementation will always be available to you from here on out and there will be suggestions as to how to best implement so it feels doable and good for you. With that said it would be best to set aside some time to work on the homework and do the exercises laid out for you. 10 – 30 minutes at least 3- 4 days (up to all 7 days) a week.

When are the group calls?

We will meet the first & third week of every month on Wednesday evenings.  

The Mentorship Live Call will be the last week of every month. 

Exact Time TBD

How will this actually help me?

These processes attune your body to regulate at the optimal level for your functional health.

This creates rapid shifts in the way our emotions and body’s have been operating for years.

Committing to these practices not only shifts your operating patterns, but also opens up your conscious mind and awareness to understand the ways in which you have been sub-consciously operating, allowing you to break the patterns almost automatically, yourself.

This means that thought patterns can shift, physical organs can be strengthened, the amount you are triggered lessens, your reactionary behavior transforms. All of these changes will bring about a holistic transformation in you and you will experience life completely differently. Troubling circumstances or symptoms can dissolve and new opportunities have the chance to come forward.

Whether it is less stress, a healthier feeling life, more fullfimllment, laughter, joy and love, calm, peace, prosperity– these are all here for you.

We will have 7 live group calls together which that in itself will be very powerful.

Ready to Join Us?


When you Join You Get: 



Coaching Support: Available  1 x a month live 90 minute group coaching, empowerment,Q&A, and energy clearing sessions.  $4,000 Value 


Community: The beautiful members of this group journeying together in support in the private FB group.  $(Priceless!)


The Sacred Alignment Re-Set Methodology: A proven ancient  5- Element Taoist method of increasing self-awareness and elevating ease, health, and joy in your life. $6,000 Value


Kriya Practices: Focused Ancient yoga, breath and meditation practices to release energetic blocks in the body $2,500 Value


The Sacred Shift Worksheets: Journal questions to create perspective, and energetic shifts in all areas of your life . $900 Value 


Circle of Completion Practices: Nature based exercises that compliment the teachings of the Sacred Alignment Re-Set Method and reconnect you back to Nature for grounded healing and sacred reconnection to Nature. $2,000 Value 


Total Value: $15,800


Course Enrollment Fee: $1,333



I personally want to talk with you and make sure this is the best course for you. 


Scheduling a call with me here is the next step in the process of enrollment.

 COURSE CLOSED. Email to get on the waitlist for the next course.


This is Your Invitation to Get off The Hamster Wheel of Overwhelm and Struggle.

Allow Yourself the Opportunity to:

Step Into Sacred Wellness, Transform your Life, Connect to your Soul Aligned Self,
& Live the Life You Are Meant To.



This program goes hand in hand with the Sacred Wellness Academy Curriculum. We will meet together once a month and break down the processes, why we would suggest certain things for a client– look at patterns in a client, understand how to see what a client might need before they even know. Understand where their patterns are and how to see this so you can do it over and over again without hesitation.

Being a part of the Certification program will allow you to deeply understand how to work with what I am guiding you through in the Academy curriculum, why I suggest these things and how to suggest the exact right thing for a client.

The processes are based heavily in 5 Element Chinese Medicine Taoist Theory, and Kundalini Yoga Vedanta. Once through the program, these are tools and paradigms you can take confidently into your own practice and apply to your own clients. 

You will also have 3 1 :1 30 minute sessions with me for any extra questions so there is no confusion and you feel confident using these methods with your own clients. I will be checking in on you to make sure you have a good handle on the information.

Once a month we meet to go over everything we have covered that month in the curriculum, break it down step by step, go over examples of how these blocks show up in clients, answer any questions and conduct any clearings that need to be done for the group.

Sign up for an info call with me and see if this is the right fit!


Course Closed. Email to get on the Waitlist for next course. 

Please look out for a confirmation email within the next 24 hours of your enrollment purchase. The email will be coming from MalamaHonuaHealing@gmail.com. If you don’t see it within 24 hours of your enrollment purchase please contact us at MalamaHonuaHealing@gmail.com or by phone at 301-351-1302.

Payment Plan Options Available.  Please email MalamaHonuaHealing@gmail.com for options.

We believe in the Ripple Effect of Stepping into Your Power.

A Percentage of your tuition will be donated. We will split the donation accumulated each cohort into 3 sections: 1. The Farmers Footprint 2. House of The Moon Non-Profit 3. Partial scholarship opportunity for Sacred Wellness Academy.