The Spring Equinox is when the shadow and light become perfectly balanced in the atmosphere- which can be representative of the Yin/Yang Symbol where the darkness and light are equal; where the Masculine and Feminine is perfectly balanced.
This symbol represents the perfect balance of energies and today especially we get the extraordinary gift of experiencing this outside of ourselves in Nature.
The Spring ushers in the qualities of the Wood Element, which in our bodies relate to the Liver and Gallbladder and are all about organization, getting things done and taking action. It also rules over the emotion of Anger which can get extra suppressed during this time or overly shared and it also controls our Dreams and Visions.
Its a wonderful time to embrace these gifts of the wood element which is the ultimate element ofGrowth.
This is why I also thought it was a good time to share this message with you as I feel the Springtime is the perfect time to step up to all the things we would like to accomplish.
I believe whole-heartedly that we can all heal ourselves.
I also know that pain, sickness, stress, etc can feel overwhelming and leave us in a state of bewilderment, confusion, and fear in many cases.
We all have a choice on how we relate to our own pain, stress etc.
We all have the choice to transmute and shift how the pain shows up and how much it controls our lives.
To say it is helpful to see a practitioner of healing can be very helpful and it could be the missing piece in your personal healing journey. I absolutely love what I do and love seeing the shifts in my clients.
Though the thing that I love to do the most is teach and transmit to my clients how to allow healing to occur within themselves so that they can be empowered to create healing shifts on their own.
KNOW that you have the choice to be that POWERFUL That you can in fact become a Living Blessing for yourself and for others in fact!
I have found that the foundation of healing starts with Self-Acceptance and Self-Love.
If you feel ready to step up your healing journey I invite you to join me for the month of May for my Quantum Self- Love course.
I invite you to Fall Deeply and Madly in Love with Your Self and watch Your Health, Relationships, and Work Life get Up-Leveled effortlessly.
The Quantum field of LOVE is ready and engaged to play with you here in my May 2019 Self Love Group Healing Course
Finally experience what it feels to Embody incredible levels of “Self Love” and watch your Life open up and transform from this Quantum space.
Email me for details
If you would like support moving into Springtime I welcome you in for an Acupuncture Energy Tune up or a Quantum Soul Coaching Session!
Quantum Soul Coaching supports you in consciously and energetically releasing debilitating
Acupuncture stimulates the body and its organ systems to return to its healthy state of balance and gently nudges the body into healthier ways of reacting and being so that you start functioning and feeling better on all levels.
Please contact me at (301) 351-1302 or Laura@Lotuspathways.infoto get on the schedule.
With Light, Love, & Blessings,
(301) 351-1302