The Art of Wintering

Wintertime is a time when most animals slow down their activity, conserve their energy, and sleep longer.

This is a natural rhythm of the season that us humans should also follow for a balanced approach to Healthy Living.

Wintertime, though it can be fun if you love the cold weather and super cozy if you prefer snuggling up by a fire; it can also feel very uneasy internally.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Winter Seasonal energy can highlight  anxiety, fear, and feelings of lack or despair, which can make long nights seem much longer with the lack of good undisturbed sleep and maybe an uptick in urination throughout the night.

It makes sense as mammals that when our growing season for food has ended and we might be covered in mounds of snow– we get ungrounded.

This ungrounded feeling can turn these few months into a less than pleasant experience.  A time when your body and mind should be getting restorative rest, is instead feeling drained and unsettled.

If you are feeling like you have noticed an uptick in your anxiety, it’s harder to fall or stay asleep at night perhaps because of intrusive thoughts filled with worry, fear or even anger, and or you just wish you could hibernate like a bear all winter long and not wake up till spring(!) a solution awaits you…

When we can learn to quiet our thoughts, regulate our breath, and release stress from the body; we can break habits of insomnia due to intrusive thoughts and experience restorative sleep and peaceful more present and energetic days, even in the Winter time.

I have created a 21-day Live Online Group Meditation Course to teach and instill a beautiful restorative practice  so you can sleep better, dissolve stress stored throughout the day, and experience more peace in your daily living. 

This course will provide:

Calming & Grounding Meditations
Potent breath work practices for Heart-Brain Coherence
Gentle stretching to release Built up Tension in the body and along the Spine

We will be discussing:

The Art of Neutralizing intrusive thoughts
The synchronicity of the Body-Mind connection
Lifestyle hacks for Grounding your Energy
Becoming a Master of your Brain.  

We begin Sunday February 4th at 9;15 PM EST/ 6:15 PM PST

All zoom calls will be recorded for re-play and will last 30 minutes.

We will meet LIVE on Zoom Sunday -Thursday (5 times each week) for three consecutive weeks.

When gathering in a group to learn and practice together, our intentional energy and results are amplified. I absolutely love leading these group programs because of the tangible exponential transformation that is present during these classes!

I hope to see you in there!

You can sign up now for Early-Bird Pricing of $111 through Paypal here. *Please leave your full name and best email in the message.

Or through my online scheduling system here *Scroll down until you see the 21- Day Mediation Course.  Click on the Calendar for February 4th and then you can sign up!

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out.

Early Bird Pricing will expire this Sunday 1/28/24. 

With Love and In Partnership,

Laura Rose, L.Ac., M.Ac., CYT