With intense circumstances showing up everyday across the globe
it may feel you are on more of a rollercoaster of your own emotional experience than usual. Emotions can make us feel many things -sometimes they can be stress inducing and sometimes just exhausting.
In order to release the burden of emotional stress or exhaustion it is important to gain perspective on your emotional responses.
One way to do this is to understand that what is happening in the world and what goes on in our personal lives is mirroring our societal and individual mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
This may seem like a daunting way to look at things! – But as a human collective, I feel these times are calling us to be anchored in peace and love (which also is synonymous with health and healing); and that each one of us can help bring about peace in the world drawing from the strength and connection we create from our own inner peace.
The Dalai Lama said “Peace starts within.When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us”.
I fully believe this– when we are peaceful on the inside, this changes our perspective and also our reactions.
This trickles out into creating a happier and more peaceful and healthier planet, starting with ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods etc.
If you are searching for more peace or a tune up to re-pattern your emotional responses I invite you to come in for a session.
If you are feeling a lot of physical pain I also invite you to come in and find deep and natural relief through your own body’s re-atunement.
You may email me at Laura@LotusPathways.info or call 301-351-1302 to schedule a session.
Acupuncture and Herbal/Flower Medicine
Soul Coaching with Energy Healing
Private Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation
Sacred Goddess Path Embodiment Journey 2.0
Upcoming Intro Teleclass
I am also excited to announce another Divine Feminine Embodiment Journey Group is starting up December 5th. If you have been wanting to embody peacefulness in new and deeper ways, if the Divine Feminine has been calling to you I invite you to join us.
I will be hosting an intro to the Divine Feminine Teleclass after Thanksgiving on November 28th at 8:30 pm EST.
Please register here to join the class and receive updates for the course. If you cannot make the live Teleclass please still register so you may receive the replay and other updates for the course.
* Once you register you will need to confirm your email – if you don’t see the confirmation email to do this please check your spam folder!
A Yoga and Ayurveda Winter Workshop
I am so excited to announce I will be co-hosting a Yoga and Ayurvedic Winter Workshop with my dear friend and fellow healer, Alex Steele on Saturday December 8th, from 11- 1:30 pm.
Please mark your calendar if you are interested in coming!
About the Workshop:
Yoga & Ayurveda are sister sciences and both originate from the system of the Vedas. Ayurveda ‘the science of life,’ is India’s ancient system of healing. Its wisdom is based on following nature’s seasonal rhythms as a way of maintaining harmony and balance in our body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of daily routine, lifestyle, diet, herbs, and the practice of yoga, pranayama, and mediation. Yoga focuses on asanas to help create union with body, mind, and breath. Knowledge and practice of both systems offer a path to greater self-awareness and self-realization.
Each season the elements and qualities in nature change. Winter is cold, heavy, moist with snow or rain, but can also be windy, and dry, and cloudy. To maintain good health and stay balanced we must make dietary and lifestyle adjustments each season. In this workshop you’ll learn about the elements, doshas, and constitutional types and how the seasons affect our state of balance. We’ll discuss diet and lifestyle practices for the winter season. You’ll be led though a warming, energizing, and deeply grounding yoga practice that is ideal for winter. Enjoy an Ayurvedic lunch of vegetable kitchari, hot chai tea and a sweet treat. Leave with insight into your unique constitution, and handouts of material discussed.
Cost: $55
Registration: Required. Please email Alexjsteele@gmail.com to register and prepay to save your spot. Space is limited to 10 so reserve you space soon.
Location: Alex’s home in Ellicott City, MD. Address given upon registration.
Instructors: Alex J Steele, Licensed Acupuncturist & Ayurvedic Wellness Coach
Laura Rose, Acupuncturist, Yoga Teacher & Soul Coach