“In the past I have been a cloud, a river, and the air.
And I was a rock.
I was the minerals in the water.
This is not a question of belief in reincarnation.
This is history of life on Earth.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

As humans living on this Planet and being made of the same things the Earth is made of, Nature gives us every sign, mirror, and warning we could possibly need as to how to live a harmonious and fruitful life.

Our job is just to pay attention and take the appropriate actions we are being guided towards.

This sounds easy but can be extremely difficult in our society where most of the daylight hours and even moonlight hours people are glued to various screens.  If we don’t see the sun, feel its light or the breeze blowing between the trees, how are we supposed to even gain a glimpse into the mirror Nature is for us?

There are different energies with each season that we can re-align with  – ultimately making that season more fruitful, healthy, and in balance for us. There are also many other significant times of the year that we can take some time to attune to, and we will feel better for it.

The Winter Solstice is one of those times.  During the Winter Solstice the Sun begins a new solar cycle and the nights are our longest right before the Solstice.  This can metaphorically point to a time of deep rest,  a time of transformation that can come about only within the depths of solitude, stillness, rest, and reflection.  The Sun re-emerging like a re-birthing, nourishing all the seeds planted within the darkness of the depths of our fertile soil nourishes our own rebirth, our own transformation, and as the days get longer, we slowly start to see the seeds of our transformation spring up into the visible world.

I wish you a beautiful Solstice and Transformative New Year Ahead! 🙂 

Acupuncture and Yoga are two ways to align to Natures Cycles.

If you are yearning for more alignment, come in!

Simply reply to this email to get on the schedule.

A few announcements:

The Holiday Bundles have expired but I am giving you one more chance to grab one!  Make sure to send payment by December 30th to get the special pricing.

After December 30th, Holiday Bundles will no longer be available for purchase.

If you missed my previous emails and are interested email me for details!