“Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed” ~the beautiful late Mary Oliver May the beauty of your life and words continue to forever touch and expand the hearts of humanity.
JOIN ME for a beautiful Yin Yoga workshop Sunday February 10th at The Mindfulness Center in Bethesda.
Or that morning for an asana flow and theory packed 1 hour Yoga class geared towards Opening your Sacred Heart Chakra at Karmafest a beautiful winter soul warming festival (and one of my favorites around town
Yin yoga is one of the ultimate physical practices to expand your physical and auric fields to embody the blessings surrounding us and within us us at all times.
It is a beautiful practice to embrace, nourish, and love up the foundation of who you are. With this acceptance of
& space created through this practice of releasing deeply held pain and lower vibrational patterns, a new level of peace
and joy can spring forth and illuminate the innate health and happiness with in you – ultimately awakening you to The Sacred
Heart -the most precious primary foundation blocks we hold within us.
If you are interested in being guided in other pathways of releasing lower vibrational patterns and connecting to you Sacred Heart
please visit www.lotuspathwayswellness.com
Much Love always,